Organization is Key
The Wilson Reading is an amazing program! Each reading group begins with the lesson plan. Without the plan, there is no group.
I feel privileged that my district trained me. Even though it’s a lot of work to get certified, it is well worth it! However, the initial training of one-on-one is very different from group work.
Wilson Reading Program Lesson Plans
I have a clipboard designated for each reading group. On this clipboard is where I keep the Wilson Reading Group lesson plan. Because I love organization, I will color code the clipboard’s color with the label on the group box. Ideally, my clipboard will fit nicely in the group box, but my current shelf doesn’t accommodate. However, since it’s color coded, I grab the color box and clipboard I need.
Each group clipboard contains:
- Wilson Reading Lesson Plan
- Student Charts from Part 4
- Teacher dictation editing directions for Part 8
- Sight Word Chart
I know we are supposed to keep this within the binder, but I’ve found it’s easier to keep their current chart with me when charting in part 4. Then I put it in their binder when it’s complete. After the student reads and I mark errors, I give it back to the students to color in the boxes. However, it’s kept on the clipboard.
I also keep the teacher editing page for the dictation part of the lesson. This was provided during the training and can probably be found on Wilson Academy. There are so many parts to take note of when going over the dictation sentence. This helps me keep on track.

Calls to Action
How do you organize your lesson plan? I would love to hear about it! Please comment below to share! I love hearing about new ideas!
Check this out
- Wilson Reading Program Website
- Group Supplies Blog Post
- Clipboards I use – I receive no commission
- Reading Games