Growing Up
As a student, education was rarely fun. School was HARD! I struggled throughout school spending twice as much time as my peers in order to get mediocre grades. Lots of tears not understanding why I had to work so much harder. Looking back, I had no clue how I consistently put so much effort without quitting. Little by little, I made progress and when it was time to pick a career, I knew I needed to help kids who struggled. Knowing how I persevered through my struggles allows me to connect to my student’s. I can see myself in their eyes when they tell me how they feel. I can make that connection and be truthful when I say, “I understand. I’ve been there.”
The Dreaded Covid
Back in the fall of 2021, my family and I all were diagnosed with Covid at the same time. Fortunately, we all had mild cases. We even taught or attended classes on zoom while quarantined. Unfortunately, three days after I returned to school I woke up with extremely sore legs. I was told by my doctor that this was “expected up to 12 weeks.” I ended up getting diagnosed with Long-Covid experiencing extremely sore to painful muscles. This diagnosis changed my life. I went from being active to needed consistently rest. I use to work-out 3-5 days, but now going to physical therapy! I completed a half-marathon just 4 years ago and now I need to use a cane when I go to events! This diagnosis changed my approach to everything. Ultimately, I feel fortunate that I am still able to continue teaching even though some days are painful. I hope that in time I can lead my students by example of perseverance.
After my diagnosis, I was spending a lot more time homebound, needing to rest. I realized I needed something to occupy my mind and time. I have always been a reader, but after 3 months, I knew I needed something else. I started a Teachers Pay Teachers Store. Over the past 20+ years as a Special Education Teacher and 5+ years as Certified Wilson Reading Program Specialist, I have created so much to individualize for my students. My students have succeeded when given the right visual or graphic organizer.
Moving Forward
Even though I still hope to have never had Long Covid, at least something positive has come out of it. I am able to use my teaching experience to help other parents, educators, and students. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are having trouble with a student, finding a need in your classroom, or need a resource you don’t have time to create. Feel free to email or fill out my suggestions form here.
I hope you take a look around the resources page and TPT store to see what would help you and your students.