Writing Websites

Read-Write-Think ~ Free

– Website: https://www.readwritethink.org/  
Grade Levels: K-12th
Description:  Lots of great information on most ELA Topics! One of my groups is starting persuasive writing and I found lots of articles and links!  You can search by topic or by grade level.  

RAZ-Kids ~ Paid

– Websitehttps://www.raz-kids.com/  
– Grade Levels: K-5

– Description: This is a paid version, but most schools would at least consider providing teachers an account, which can also be used at home as well.  RAZ Kids is known for their reading, but it has many other uses, even a writing portion.  I have only used the reading portion.

Really Great Reading ~ Partially Free

Grade Levels: Early Elementary
– Letter Tiles are free, but paid subscription for other tiles
– This website is fantastic to use to practice building words and spelling words.  Great for classroom practice,  a part of a reading rotation, or ELA centers.

Story Starters ~ Free

– Description:  Who doesn’t love anything from Scholastic!!!  For my writing groups, I will link this in their google classroom when they need an idea to write about.  Some of the story starter are hilarious.  Sometimes the first wheel won’t be a story starter, but a list or make a game, but I usually make the requirement to write a story.  Spin an enjoy!!!

The Story Starter ~ Free

– Website: thestorystarter.com

– Grade Levels: Middle – High School
– Description:  Even though the scholastic story starter is more interactive and visually pleasing, especially for elementary students. This site creates story starters that are more complex and may be more interesting to middle and high school.

Typing.com ~ Free

– Grade Levels: I believe this is free for both teachers and families


– Description: Typing is a must today!  So much of what we do involves typing.  My daughter used this at her school and wanted to continue at home!   I know this is free portion for educators, but there is also a home school option.  Definitely something for parents to check out if you are interested.   

Wordwall ~ Free & Paid Versions

– Website:  https://wordwall.net/
– Grade Levels: All Ability Levels
– Free to sign up, create a limited number of games, and use community games (at the bottom) 

– Description:  This is one of my favorite resources!!!  Anyone can sign up for free, but there are price plans as well.  I have only used the free version.  I teach the Wilson Reading Program found a TON of games to use with my students on the different books!  I have saved them on a google sheet and publish that as a webpage and link in Google Classroom.  Let me know if you would like to see how I do this or how I organize the games?  A favorite of my Wilson Groups!

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